Sep 25Liked by Anne Clifton

I'm tired of feeling like a pious asshole all the time... but seriously how can people still be going along with this crap? Is everyone being paid to support the destruction of our health and economy? I consider myself average intelligence and even I can see it.

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The only explanation I have is that it is satanic. That raises a problem when I consider my fellow church members whom I believe to be genuine Christians, but who cannot see truth. I don't talk to this particular person about these issues anymore, but in 2020, she actually denied that Democrats are in favor of abortion. Another person told me just days ago that I believe lies from Trump when I stated well-known Democrat policies. I was told in a ladies prayer group not to mention again the harms of the covid vaccine, so I quit attending. It seems these people have chosen not to believe what is true, so I silently watch the tsunami of health problems they are suffering, but refuse to attribute to the shots. And why can't young parents realize that 70+ shots cannot be good for their child??

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Sep 25Liked by Anne Clifton

It is beyond insanity. It is as if we are living in parallel realities but still have to interact with the insane reality. I can't participate in groups b/c I can't keep my mouth shut.

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A very accurate description!

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Like Tucker says...our government and those involved in it hate us. Period. Well, guess what? They lose and God wins. There is good and evil and that is it. If it is NOT righteous, it is evil. "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." 2 Chronicles 16:9

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Life in today’s world can certainly be a learning experience no matter how many years you have lived. I did vote for Trump in 16 and 20. I had lived through 8 years of Obama Biden and I saw how they despised the constitution. When they, the government, took over health care I honestly had sleepless nights. I live in Massachusetts and at the time Barney Frank was my Rep. and I couldn’t get it out of my mind having to beg him if a family member needed an organ or major operation.

We all can admit that the same government put Trump through hell, from the time he was sworn in right up to this last assassination attempt. I know this past four years have been very tough on me and my family. We generally struggle anyways, but with Biden Harris it’s been much worse. Trump has changed, I have changed, Anne you have changed. It’s the hard times that make us grow. Sometimes you have to bear with the bad times knowing the good times will one day come. Sometimes we need to just be content until better times will come. Sometimes we not being content gives you Joe Biden.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Author

I agree. I also voted for Trump in both of his previous runs, but I just felt that he was the lesser of the evils. This time he is the clear and only choice if we are to have any chance at all.

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I can see how many people thought Trump was the lesser of two evils, that may have been correct. Because of the democrats, he is a much different man today.

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That sign concerning the efficacy of masks is on the mark. Still, stupid is as stupid does and stupid cannot be fixed (but ignorance is curable).

There was a time when I, too, would have laid down my life to defend this country, but today I see that this country is trying to take my life and those of my loved ones.

Trump is thoroughly human, like the rest of us. In November we are not voting for the head pastor of our church. We vote for the person whose policies are the least threatening to our lives and values. This is true no matter the side you find yourself on. The left votes for who will uphold their evil reprobate values and support their worship of death. We (conservatives, Christians) vote for the one who is least threatening to our beliefs and to the Constitution. The line separating the two is so clear I could see it at night, in the fog, sans glasses.

A year or more ago Trump said, "In the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way."

If and when they kill him, the party of death will have a clearer path to killing us. Be certain of this: Who we vote for will not fix the problems in this country for they are spiritual problems, not political. But you must vote to make your voice heard. To not vote is concurrence, while at the same time only God can fix this insanity born of satan (here, too, lower case is not an oversight). The evil in America is palpable in every segment of government, schools, corporations, health care, law enforcement, you name it. Many mainline churches have gone woke and waltzed over to the dark side. By now this should be no surprise to anyone. It is laid out in detail in the last book of the Bible.

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Dear Ann, thank you so much for your thoughts and for the emphasis on how important abortion is in the moral compass of our country. We are seeing the shadow of the monster now more frequently. I felt its presence when I heard about the mobile abortion clinic (what?????) at the Democratic Convention. Who does that? Here is our most recent discussion of the monster becoming visible:


~ Ginger

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Thank you, I will check it out!

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Spot on Anne , thank you . 🙏

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