Recently, some of us who follow Jeff Childers’ Coffee and Covid Substack began to toss around ideas for getting info into the hands of others who don’t yet know what is going on regarding worldwide medical and governmental tyranny. Our friend TriTorch posted on his Substack and ideas began pouring in! It seems that people really want to DO something, not merely sit around and curse the darkness. If you’d like to get in on the fun, check it out here:
This exchange of ideas brought back to my mind an interview I watched of Dr. Ryan Cole, when he was asked by Jan Jekeliek why he was wearing a paperclip on his lapel. His answer was fascinating to me and led me to do a little research. My intention afterward was to immediately begin wearing a paperclip myself, in hopes that I would be asked why I was doing so. Alas, I forgot about it.
Here’s a bit of what I found when I researched the paperclip resistance movement.
Autumn, 1940 – students of Oslo University began to attach paperclips to their lapels. This was their way of showing resistance against the taking-over of the Nazi Germans in their country in a non-violent way as well as expressing their unity and national pride in face of the occupation.
Symbols that were blatantly or secretly connected to the Norwegian royal family had already been banned so they could not resort to that. They also wanted an adept way of showing their rejection of the ideologies fed on them by the Nazis. Aside from wearing a single paperclip on their lapels, they also fashioned various paperclip accessories like bracelets. The bracelets were the popular symbols which showed that Norwegians were symbolically bonded together in face of adversity.
In Of Norwegian Ways, Bent Vanberg wrote, “Loyal Norwegians wore the clip proudly, knowing well that they risked arrest, deportation, imprisonment, and even execution by displaying this simple sign of their true feelings.
I found that Amazon sells 4 inch long paperclips in various colors. I’m not sure how I feel about patronizing Amazon while seeking to be non-compliant, but what do you do? I checked Staples’ website and they didn’t have any in stock in stores near me. If I have to order, I may as well use Amazon Prime, since my husband insists on renewing it every year. While waiting for my paperclip order to arrive, I need to formulate exactly what my response will be when (hopefully) people question me. Won’t you join me? If you are confused about what I am protesting and refusing to comply with, let me know and we can chat about it. For Christ followers who think protest and non-compliance is not within the realm of the church’s mission, a good place to begin is by reading Eric Metaxas’ book, Letter to the American Church. In it, he draws comparisons between the largely silent church of Nazi Germany and the church in the United States. We’ve been told too long to stay out of politics and just share the gospel. Don’t offend anyone or they will be turned off and reject Christ. I prefer the sentiment expressed in this verse (and many others):
Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11
Make no mistake, we are facing indescribable evil. We may not be able to change the outcome, but I refuse to sit back idly and wait for Jesus to rescue me. I trust His sovereignty and His ultimate plan will come about in His timing, but in the meantime, there’s work to be done!
"Make no mistake, we are facing indescribable evil. We may not be able to change the outcome, but I refuse to sit back idly and wait for Jesus to rescue me. I trust His sovereignty and His ultimate plan will come about in His timing, but in the meantime, there’s work to be done!"
That's it, you've got it Anne. 100% on target. We are not here to sit back and let evil have its way. On the contrary, we are here to do everything we can to stop it.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing."
We WILL NOT do nothing.
When I read this ‘Stack, I caught a whiff of irony about the paperclip being a symbol of resistance on one hand and on the other hand, used by the US gubmint in “Operation Paperclip” where Nazi scientists and doctors were brought over to the US to continue their nefarious work. 😞